Things you should know:
This membership is good for one year and is non-refundable.
Once we are official, the Board members, President, etc., will hold their office for 1 year until they either resign or are found in neglect of their duties.
These can be printed & dropped off w/ your check or money order at Bloomington Paintball Supply located at 4019 W. 3rd St. in Bloomington, IN., Snipers Paintball Supply located at 303 E. 12th St. in Huntingburg, IN. or you can snail mail a check or money order made out to:
PaintBall o'Tomorrow, 6045 S.R. 58 East, Heltonville, IN. 47436
You can then pick up your card and reciept the next time we get together, at Bloomington Paintball Supply, or we can mail it to you. Please specify.